VISUAL BOX (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Smagic Productions – Trick


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SKU: VISUALBOX Categoría: Etiquetas: , ,


This is the ‘magic effect inside the box’ that you’ve been waiting for! No hiding, no sneaking, everything clearly in front of your audience.

Present your audience with a box having a transparent lid – show that the box contains nothing. Then, with a single shake, anything you’d like appears inside the box. Very visual. You can use chewing gum, cards, coins, money, change an object’s color, and much more … Perform without worrying about the audience’s perspective — everything is 360 degrees angle-proof.

The box is made of plastic, very nice and durable. You can use it for many other purposes.

Check it out now.

Información adicional

Peso 0.14 lbs


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