52 B’Wave (Poker Size) by Iñaki Zabaletta


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SKU: 52BWAVE_POK Categoría: Etiquetas: , ,


The most baffling prediction, with a mind-blowing climax.

The magician shows a red backed deck off to a spectator explaining it contains a prediction. Then he says he has another deck, but it’s very special; it’s an invisible deck. A spectator chooses a color from the invisible deck and selects any value and any suit with ABSOLUTE FREEDOM, (for example the 5 of hearts).

The magician takes the red backed deck and when he spreads the cards, everyone can see there’s only one card face up: it’s the 5 of hearts. Then turns the 5 of hearts face down, showing it’s the only card with a blue back. But that’s not all; the magician spreads all the deck showing all the faces are blank.

  • Specially printed and manufactured cards.
  • Three strong climaxes.
  • Ideal for mentalism, close up, parlor or stage.
  • Instant reset.

Información adicional

Peso 0.234 lbs


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